プロライフと人工子宮 Pro-Life and Artificial Womb.
小児科医からみた人工子宮開発 Development of Artificial Womb : From a Pediatrician’s Perspective.
人間の「尊厳」と生殖細胞・人工子宮 Human Dignity, and Reproductive Cell and Artificial Womb.
細胞工学と人工子宮 Cell Engineering and Artificial Womb
胚様構造体の道徳的地位と体外発生 The moral status of human embryo-like structures and ectogenesis
新生児医療と人工子宮技術 Neonatal care and artificial womb technology.
人工子宮とリプロダクティブ・ヘルス Artificial womb and reproductive health

The world’s first “test-tube baby” conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) was born in England in 1978. IVF stimulated the intellectual curiosity of researchers in the life sciences and clinicians and led to various types of research and development. This contributed greatly to groundbreaking reproductive medicine.
This technology has made it possible for anyone to have a child through the use of third-party sperm and eggs or the use of surrogate mothers. Nowadays, reproductive medicine is performed around the world, providing opportunities for diversification of people’s lifestyles and family structures. However, it has been seen as problematic that the commercialization of reproductive care and structures of global disparity are deeply entrenched in cross-border reproductive tourism.
Reproductive technologies, which began with IVF, bring up various issues for society that must be considered which include the development of technology and its reception in society, what people want, and issues surrounding the welfare of children.
This technology has made it possible for anyone to have a child through the use of third-party sperm and eggs or the use of surrogate mothers. Nowadays, reproductive medicine is performed around the world, providing opportunities for diversification of people’s lifestyles and family structures. However, it has been seen as problematic that the commercialization of reproductive care and structures of global disparity are deeply entrenched in cross-border reproductive tourism.
Reproductive technologies, which began with IVF, bring up various issues for society that must be considered which include the development of technology and its reception in society, what people want, and issues surrounding the welfare of children.
日比野 由利
日比野 由利
AffiliationCollege of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Sciences, Kanazawa University.
Areas of FocusSociology, gender studies, assisted reproductive technologies, and donor conception practice around the world
Detailed BiographyYuri Hibino holds a specialization in sociology and gender studies. She has conducted research on the social and cultural aspects, political factors, and regulation of assisted reproductive technologies. Field work was conducted in South Asia, South and Eastern Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. The topic that has interested HIBINO the most is the social aspects of gestational surrogacy and its implications with regard to family and gender, as well as local and globalized society. HIBINO’s other research interests include novel reproductive technologies such as uterus transplant, artificial womb, and mitochondrial donation. HIBINO’s course offerings include social surveys, such as qualitative and quantitative research methods, data science, diversity management, and human rights issues in contemporary society.
E mailhibino@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp