立憲君主制。一人当たりのGNI 48,310ドル。アメリカ経済の影響により1994年以降、年平均3%の経済成長を続けている。
カナダの生殖補助医療 関連年表
1989 | Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologiesが立ち上がる |
2004 | ヒト補助生殖法(連邦法) |
2005 | 同性婚が認められる |
2006 | Assisted Human Reproduction Canada[AHRC]が設立される(2013年3月に廃止、Health Canadaに引き継がれる) |
2009 | 60歳の女性がインドで卵子提供を受けて双子を出産したことが報じられる。 |
Canadian Assisted Reproductiv Technologies Register (CARTR) Annual Report Link
Canada’s Assisted Reproduction Registry-Better Outcomes Registry and Network (CARTR-BORN) Link
Assisted Human Reproduction Act SC 2004. C2. Link
Health Canada Link
Donor Conception Canada Link
カナダの Gay Surrogacy (Dr. Sophia Fantus) Link
Donor Conception Canada (DCC) 〜カナダの親のためのグループ〜 (Mr. Vince Londini) Link
カナダのGay Dad (Mr. Austin) Link
人工子宮と中絶の権利 (Dr. Claire Horn) Link
Alison Motluk 2014 First prosecution under Assisted Human Reproduction Act ends in conviction. Canadian Medical Association Journal 186(2): 75–76. Link
Baylis FO. 2018 Canada’s Prohibition on Payment for Surrogacy, Eggs, and Sperm. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 40(12):1569-1570. Link
Dave Snow; Françoise Baylis; Jocelyn Downie 2015 Why the government of Canada won’t regulate assisted human reproduction: A modern mystery. McGill Journal of Law and Health 9 (1): 1-15. Link
Fisher, A.M.; Hoskins, M.M. 2013 A good surrogate: The experiences of women who are gestational surrogates in Canada. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy / Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 47(4), 500-518. Link
Fantus S. 2020 A Report on the Supports and Barriers of Surrogacy in Canada. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 42(6):803-805. Link
Fantus S. 2020 Experiences of gestational surrogacy for gay men in Canada. Cult Health Sex 23(10):1361-1374. Link
Kristin Lozinski 2015 Transnational surrogacy: Canada’s contradictions. Social Science & Medicine 124: 383-390. Link
Samantha Yee; Clifford L. Librach, 2019 Analysis of gestational surrogates’ birthing experiences and relationships with intended parents during pregnancy and post-birth. Birth Issues in Perinatal Care, 46(4): 628-637 Link
Sophia Fantus; Peter A Newman 2019 Motivations to pursue surrogacy for gay fathers in Canada: a qualitative investigation. Journal of GLBT Family Studies 15(4): 342-356. Link
White PM. 2017 Canada’s Surrogacy Landscape is Changing: Should Canadians Care? J Obstet Gynaecol Can 39(11):1046-1048. Link
仙波由加里 2016 「カナダにおける生殖医療の現状−利他的な卵子提供からもたらされる問題−」 諸外国の生殖補助医療における法規制の時代的変遷に関する研究 :113-121. Link
- Regulatory Map
- Canada